Imaging new Posibilities
Paper Presentation Title
  • 1. Bio Technology - Green Bio Technology – Future perspective

  • 2. Mechanical Engineering - Modern Machining Process.

  • 3. Textile Technology - Smart Textiles.

  • 4. Mechatronics Engineering - Intelligent Robots and Drones.

  • 5. Civil Engineering - Futuristic Construction materials.

  • 6. Electronics and Communication Engineering - 5G Technologies Sensor in Embedded Systems
  • 7. Electrical and Electronic Engineering - e-Mobility solution or smart electric Vehicles

  • 8. Artificial Intelligence and Data Science - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Leaning in Industry – 4.0.

  • 9. Food Technology - Innovation in Millet processing.

  • 10. Computer Science and Engineering - Big data Analytics in Public Sector.

  • 11. Computer Science and Business System - AR and VR in Metaverse.

  • 12. Information Technology - Cyber Technologies and Cyber systems.
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